Principles and Practice of High Dependency Nursing: 2ed


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Principles and Practice of High Dependency Nursing: 2ed

This book provides invaluable information for nurses working in all acute hospital wards and departments including recovery units, high dependency units, acute surgical or medical wards..

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NPR 8,132.00

  • Author
  • Pages
  • Pages 304
  • Year
  • ISBN
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  • Edition
  • Weight
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Principles and Practice of High Dependency Nursing: 2ed

This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. This book provides invaluable information for nurses working in all acute hospital wards and departments including recovery units, high dependency units, acute surgical or medical wards, and accident and emergency units. Some chapters are devoted to specific clinical areas such as cardiac care and respiratory care, with others covering broader clinical issues such as pain management and post-operative care. The underpinning anatomy, physiology and pharmacology are included in relevant chapters. In all these areas there is a strong emphasis on clinical application. Chapters on non-clinical, yet vital, components of high dependency nursing are also included to address aspects such as the development, management, interpersonal and social issues associated with high dependency care.

  • Focuses specifically on high dependency care making the book much more relevant for non-ITU nurses
  • Includes the underpinning A & P and pharmacology to obviate the need for further purchase
  • Covers management and professional aspects as well as psycho-social issues making the book comprehensive providing all they need to know
  • Provides Learning Objectives in each chapter facilitate study and revision
  • Offers numerous illustrations help to clarify and amplify the text
  • Fully updated in line with recent developments in policy and practice e.g. the government report Comprehensive Critical Care (DoH 2000) and NSFs
  • Improved layout via use of boxes and tables to make it easier to find relevant information
  • New chapter on The development, growth and context of high dependency care. 
  • All chapters updated in terms of references and evidence-based practice
Author Sheppard, Mandy
Pages 304
Year 2006
ISBN 9780702027123
Publisher Elsevier
Language English
Edition 2/e
Weight 840 g
Dimensions 19.05 x 24.77 x 2.24 cm
Binding Paperback
Imprint Bailliere Tindall