Trauma Nursing: From Resuscitation Through Rehabilitation 5ed
NPR 16,700.00 NPR 18,555.00 16700.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Trauma Nursing Secrets: 1ed
NPR 7,529.00 NPR 8,365.00 7529.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Trauma Care: A Team Approach 1ed
NPR 10,919.00 NPR 12,132.00 10919.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Signs and Symptoms in Emergency Medicine: 2ed
NPR 7,529.00 NPR 8,365.00 7529.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Sheehy's Emergency Nursing: Principles and Practice 7ed
NPR 15,696.00 NPR 17,439.00 15696.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Prehospital Emergency Medicine Secrets: 1ed
NPR 5,399.00 NPR 5,998.00 5399.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Nurse Practitioners: Clinical Skill and Professional Issues 2ed
NPR 8,407.00 NPR 9,341.00 8407.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Forensic Nursing Science: 2ed
NPR 15,571.00 NPR 17,301.00 15571.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Emergency Nursing Core Curriculum: 7ed
NPR 12,933.00 NPR 14,370.00 12933.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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A Nurse's Survival Guide to Acute Medical Emergencies Updated Edition: 3ed
NPR 4,766.00 NPR 5,295.00 4766.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Sheehy’s Manual of Emergency Care: 8ed
NPR 11,050.00 NPR 12,277.00 11050.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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International Trauma Life Support for Emergency Care Providers, 9/e
NPR 1,476.00 NPR 1,640.00 1476.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Patient Transport: Principles and Practice: 6ed
NPR 15,193.00 NPR 16,881.00 15193.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Manual of Emergency Medicine, 6/e
NPR 2,304.00 NPR 2,559.00 2304.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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